Parmacotto’s educational activity for primary schools


Supported by the Provincial Government of Parma, an unprecedented educational activity A SCUOLA DI COTTO – LEARNING ABOUT COOKED HAM – that Parmacotto carries out to involve school children in an original, yet simple and effective way in the its typical production activity.

This activity is part of the more comprehensive “PORTE APERTE” – OPEN DOORS project that was specifically designed for young people. Starting from 2018, this project is dedicated to favouring and promoting artistic, creative activities and workshops, as well as many other events on the premises of the Marano headquarters.

“A SCUOLA DI COTTO”, which is an integral part of the entire series of events, is the educational concept the company proposes for the current school year. This educational and entertaining program is offered to children attending the 3rd and 4th year of the primary schools of Parma and its province.

This training model has been designed, developed and managed by company staff with different specialisations (marketing, quality assurance, production techniques). They have created a dedicated department inside the Company supported by a team of experts on children’s educational workshops and communication.

So far, ten different classes from 4 different schools for a total of about 220 children have joined the project and the many applications received demonstrate the interest for the project.
The project is not only aimed at allowing children to ‘learn by playing’, but also at laying the foundations for them to become drivers of good eating habits and health at school and at home, as they learn how to eat well based on correct nutritional choices.
These are the commitment and goal of Parmacotto, which is proud of offering competence and openness to the children, young people and their families living nearby.

The principle of this educational project is to give the children enrolled the tools of knowledge aimed at developing greater awareness about nutrition: the basic technological concepts, food safety and respect for the origin became closer when lived through a first hand experience of the production process.

The combination of this newly acquired knowledge with a lab session and a snack promote this kind of innovative learning.

The didactic experience was conceived through a range of activities:

  • first, the welcome at the Company and a visit to the deli meats packaging plant (Marano);
  • followed by showing a “kids friendly” video – narrated by “Betta la Vaschetta”, a darling fantasy figure – that takes the audience through the phases of the production process and talks in-depth about subjects regarding the right food choices and lifestyles;
  • ending with the creative lab “Mondi Sospesi” (Suspended Worlds) held by Atelierista Davide Bello with the children’s active participation, creates artistic installations using the plastic pack.

The goal of all these activities is to entertain the children with something specifically designed for them, something that they can count on to learn good life practices, and that can be integrated in everyday matters.